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21.2.2010 | 11:43
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Funda um Icesave síðdegis |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
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hættið þið að kúga Ísland.
If your money was stolen from you by a bunch of bandits, would you want the people who are responsible for those bandits to pay you back.....of course you would.
Your Government will pay.....where they get the money from is up to them.....In a civilised country, the Government would get the money back from the people that stole it......Your Government give them their jobs back in the banks. Why is no one in jail yet ?????
You really are becoming a big laugh....
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 12:12
Erikur, threre was nothing stolen, where are you getting your information, do you read Icelandic or are you just guessing what i said?
you have to make sense if you are going to critizise
Icelandinc People have not stolen anything and the banks made a promise to give higer intrest rate then other banks, if you go to Las vegas and lose alot of money are you going to demand them to pay you back or are you going to take the loss. ?
Reynir W Lord, 21.2.2010 kl. 12:52
Land Rovers, big glass towers that are empty, 1800 luxury flats empty, summer houses you cannot afford, a big conference centre big enough for a 2,000,000 city, mobile homes, caravans, and hundreds of toys you cannot afford.... Where did the money come from?
Where did the money for IceSave go.......It was imported to tax havens.......Your Government guaranteed the money deposited.......It was not Las Vegas.........Do civilised Governments Lie?
(I read Icelandic....I am hopeless at writing Icelandic) I worked in Iceland for several years.
I know where the money went......It was like children in a sweet shop......Sorry...
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 13:21
"Eirikur" (if that is really your name!!!), the Icelandic nation has not stolen anything from the Kingdoms of the UK and the Netherlands, nor from the British deposit guarantee fund, the FSCS.
In October 2008 the Chancellor, Alistair Darling, decided unilaterally, unadvisably to bail out Icesave depositors, against the firm warnings and deep concerns of Sir Nicholas Macpherson, the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, and the express advice of the Bank of England. This has now become a matter of a real scandal in Britain after the disclosure of information on this disagreement at highest levels in the ministry of the Exchequer, cf this news in The Times of London, February 19, just two days ago: Icelandic bailout exposed rift at the Treasury, as well as this really strong criticism in a leader in The Times' business edition the same day: Moral hazard of bailing out Icesave, by David Wighton, The Times' Business Editor.
You would also benefit from reading this leader of The Financial Times three days ago: A fence to mend, with this initial sentence: "The bullying of Iceland over compensation for Icesave depositors has reached the brink," and concluding like that: "London and Amsterdam should stop their bullying and accept the earlier offer – or take Landsbanki’s assets and write off any remaining balance. It is a small price to pay for mending their side of the fence."
And my final note: The high interest, risk-seeking Icesave-depositors in those countries are not victims at all. We have no obligation at all to pay for lost assets of a private bank (Landsbankinn). Your argument, Mr Eirikur, is as silly as possible.
Read more at my English website jonvalurjensson.livejournal.com!
Jón Valur Jensson, 21.2.2010 kl. 14:02
PS. The lost assets of Landsbankinn's Icesave accounts did NOT go to Iceland, least of all to the general public! It was used for those 'viking raids abroad' of filthily rich banksters and others of that ilk for investing in new corporations, airlines, telephone companies, hotels, retail stores, supermarkets, real estate adventures and so on ABROAD, not least in Great Britain, Denmark and the former Soviet satellite countries, but widely over the world, even in SE Asia!
Jón Valur Jensson, 21.2.2010 kl. 14:11
Jon Valur (If that really is your name!!!!!)
You are grabbing at straws my friend......Your coments are not worth a reply.........It is a shame that Iceland has got itself into the mess you are in
Good Luck....
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 14:12
You are the one not worthy of a reply, Mr (?) Eirikur (?), your webpage (when we click on your name) has this only information: "Listi yfir blogga og albúm Bloggalisti Engir [sic] blogg eru til fyrir þennan notanda. Albúmalisti Engin myndaalbúm eru til fyrir þennan notanda," i.e., you are an absolute incognito, whereas I am adequately well known in my country, and fully repsonsible for my websites. Maybe your are just a paid instrument in the hands of 'Her Majesty's Government'?!
Jón Valur Jensson, 21.2.2010 kl. 14:53
If your money was stolen from you by a bunch of bandits, would you want the people who are responsible for those bandits to pay you back.....of course you would.
Does the british government pay retribution for all crimes comitted by British citizens at home and abroad, all money lost due to british citizens at home and abroad and all damages done by british citizens at home and abroad?
Because if so I am ready to send a bill to the British governement due to financial damages cause by british citizens along with all of my countrymen and women.
In a civilised country, the Government would get the money back from the people that stole it
Also in civilized countries people are innocent until proven guilty, those people you call criminals may well have comitted crimes and deserve that title fully, but alot of their work was done following the lousy rules and regulations made f.e. by the british and dutch governments with their votes in the eu.
Your Government give them their jobs back in the banks. Why is no one in jail yet ?????
Personally I agree with you here, this is insane how the current government is running this thing, but none of us here so far are supporters of this government.
Where did the money for IceSave go.
Large part of it went into the britsh economy in the form of loans to companies and rich people.
It was imported to tax havens.
Probably correct.
Your Government guaranteed the money deposited.
You should get to know the regulations better, because there exists no such guarantee, neither here in Iceland nor in the EU countries.
It was not Las Vegas.
Are you absolutely sure about that, im pretty sure some if it made its way there...
Do civilised Governments Lie?
Yes governments lies, if you think your government does not lie then you are naive.
Land Rovers, big glass towers that are empty, 1800 luxury flats empty, summer houses you cannot afford, a big conference centre big enough for a 2,000,000 city, mobile homes, caravans, and hundreds of toys you cannot afford.... Where did the money come from?
It came from broken backs of the Icelandic work force, not from britain or holland if that is what you think, we export more than we import this is why these items exist here!!
Does your country not also have these things (Land Roves, big glass towers etc etc..)?
Halldór Björgvin Jóhannsson, 21.2.2010 kl. 16:09
I second Halldórs Reply, of course we could do better, and of course we could have a better goverment but also the British could also learn something from the Ielanders, So i say Eríkur go back to UK if you are from the small islands of UK and look at you own banks.
Reynir W Lord, 21.2.2010 kl. 19:05
A few good points Halldor...In fact many of them very sensible.....But if someone stole your television, the person that the television was sold to would have to give it back to the rightfull owner.........He would then have to seek compensation from the thief. Landsbanki stole the IceSave money and gave it to Icelandic Citizens..(Utrasavikingar)........Those Icelandic utrasir vikingar should pay it back, .........Your Government has done nothing, but is trying to get the money by tax from normal Icelanders........I agree that is not fair, but where are these "helvitis Bandits" today....They are still living a life of luxury.....Go get them, and stop calling the British and the dutch the horrible names that you are doing.... The Red Cross want their money back as do many other charities....The west Yorkshire police want their money back.........Your Government Guaranteed all deposits......(Telegraph,Financial time, Guardian, Reuters)....but they were a bunch of liers...(Holland is taking your Government to court on that)..Your Government Lied on the status of finance in your country......Why not blame them ....
Iceland is famous for one thing.....Iceland (320,00) is always right......The rest of the world is always wrong....
Spoilt Children maybe? No discipline?(look how you drive!)
For Christs sake, face up to reality.
Jon Valur!......Aumkunaverd twaddle........
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 21:25
Does your country not also have these things (Land Roves, big glass towers etc etc..)?
Yes Halldor, but the people or companies that buy them can usually afford to pay for them......
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 21:28
Jon Valur!!!
You the big (bold letters because you are so important)man! World famous in Iceland?
Me just a tadpole from a little country with 60 million citizens
You may call me "Captain" actually....Airline pilot for just short of 20 years.
Now retired and having a great time.....
They look after us old farts in the UK....No tax on our pension.......But of course it is much better for older people in Iceland.......Some of my friends get 8,000Kr a month!
Eirikur , 21.2.2010 kl. 22:05
"Eirikur", this is such nonsense you are speaking here. The people who recently bought Land Rovers and such stuff in Iceland have to pay for them, some were bought for foreign currency-connected loans which have risen dramatically (some even doubled) in Icelandic krónur, and there is no mercy at those banks, of which two of the largest are already in the hands of foreigners, incl. Brits. The devaluation of the króna was largely due to the gross injustice committed against the Icelandic economy by that bullying Brown in his application of the Anti-Terrorist Act – against a peaceful neighboring country!
My arguments above obviously irritate you, not least because they come from The Times of London and The Financial Times!
Jón Valur Jensson, 21.2.2010 kl. 22:14
Strákar, ekki eyða enskum orðum í þennan mann, Eirík, hann var ekki í nokkrum erfiðleikum með íslensku í gær í síðu Lofts. Hann bullaði jafn mikið þar og nú, nema á íslensku.
Elle_, 21.2.2010 kl. 23:39
Það var 19. sem Eiríkur að ofan var í síðu Lofts, ekki í gær, og með róg á íslensku. Loftur tók commentið hans út. Hann er bara að fífla fólk að óþörfu.
Elle_, 22.2.2010 kl. 00:48
Ensku orðin eru ekkert dýrmætari en þau íslenzku, Elle.
En það getur verið gott að safna rökum okkar asaman á ensku líka. Ég hef þegar vísað hér ofar til ensks vefsvæðis míns og veit, að þú ert með 1–2 eða þrjú slík líka!
Jón Valur Jensson, 22.2.2010 kl. 01:48
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